01929 422917

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Indoor Soft Play in Dorset & Swanage

Come and explore the exciting slides, tunnels and mazes in our giant indoor soft play area - it’s an adventure!

Our indoor soft play in Dorset is a massive 3 storeys high, with a ball pit, slides, zip wire, nets, a football area and a baby and toddler zone plus a football table. What more could your children want?! Please note – socks must be worn to use soft play.

There are plenty of tables, chairs and comfy sofas for the adults to sit down, relax and enjoy a cup of tea too. Refreshments are available and takeaways from the tearoom can be ordered at the counter for your convenience. Our exciting shop selling gifts and toys will also delight, with prices starting at pocket money levels.

We are the only indoor soft play area in Swanage for 10 miles, making us the perfect day out for locals and holiday makers alike.

Soft Play Zone!

3 storeys high, with ball pit, slides, zip wire, nets, a football area, and baby & toddler zone. Plus a football table!

Plan your adventure!

opening times
& ticket prices

Also find out about
Putlake’s Loyalty Card…

how to find

Also find out about
Putlake’s Facilities…

Get Sporty Outdoors!

Pedal Go-Karts, Rideons & Climbing Frames

With so many things to see and do, what will you do first? Jump for joy on our trampolines or sculpt sandcastles in the sandpit. Explore the outdoor playground or beat mum and dad on the pedal go-karts… there’s just so much to do!

Have you ever watched farmers milk cows and goats on TV, and thought to yourself “that looks like fun”? Well meet Mildred the milking goat! Come and have a go at milking our friendly goat that will stand perfectly still for you – a lot easier than milking a real live wriggling goat that just wants to run and climb and play.

Young and old, children and adults, irrespective of their ages, enjoy pedal go-karts. Make sure you drive one way around the dedicated track and that you let someone else try it as well – sharing is caring! 

fun for all outdoors

  • Pedal Go-Karts
  • Trampolines
  • Milking Goat
  • Sand Pits
  • Climbing Frames
  • Diggers

Clamber up the cargo nets, fly through the air on the swings, traverse your way across the rickety bridge, slide to the depths on the slides. There’s so much fun to be had on the outdoor playground set in a giant sandpit. There are so many possibilities for activity and adventure when the kids come to explore our traditional children’s play equipment.

And if you like playing with sand you will love our sandpits for digging holes and building sand castles and we also have mechanical diggers that you can control to excavate huge mounds of sand!


Come and meet our menagerie of domestic and farm animals…

animal magic!

Bottle feed the lambs & goats, groom the pony and handle the guinea pigs! We also have pigs, cows, alpacas, a Shire Horse, rabbits, chickens, donkeys, birds, tortoises and peacocks!

What time is it?

it’s time to party on!

Read more about Putlake’s
Childrens Parties…

it’s time for
tea & Cake!

Read more about the
Putlake Tearooms…

it’s time to
hit the hay!

Read more about the
Putlake Campsite…